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Sketches of Spain by Released July 18, 1960 ( ) Recorded November 15 & 20 1959 and MaStudio New York City, Length 41: 19, chronology (1959) 1959 Sketches of Spain (1960) (1961) 1961 Sketches of Spain is an album by, recorded between November 1959 and March 1960 at the in. The Concierto de Aranjuez by Rodrigo is perhaps the most universally loved of all concertos ever written.

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Joaquin Rodrigo-Concerto de Aranjuez-guitar.

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Castelnuovo Tedesco Mario Op 99 Concerto in d Major Guitar Piano. Shop concierto de aranjuez trumpet pdf sheet music, music books, music scores & more at Sheet Music Plus, the World's Largest Selection of Sheet Music. Sharon Isbin is an American Grammy Award-winning classical guitarist and the founding director of the Guitar Department at Juilliard. 6:00 INSTRUMENTATION Solo Flugelhorn Trumpet in C (Piccolo) Trumpet in Bb 1. CONCIERTO De ARANJUEZ Composed by Joaquin Rodrigo Orchestrated by Jerry Lackey Duration: c.